Karnataka Forest Department (KFD) has published the Provisional Selection List for the Posts of Forest Guard.
Written Test will be conducted on 05-Dec-2021 in 11 circles notified in the notification on Direct recruitment of 339 vacant Forest Guard posts in the Forest Department.
50% of the Total marks secured in Second PUC or equivalent received by the candidates for the posts notified by the circular in the notification or Written Test total marks taken which was done on 05-Dec-2021 based on the merit and category reservation combined with fifty percent of the total score & a 1:1 (Post:Candidates) Temporary Selection list has been published by the Circles for recruitment information for candidates with this publication.
If there is objection to the 1:1 (Post:Candidates) Temporary Selection list published with this publication, only candidates who have attended the written examination shall submit to this office Email: [email protected] within 16-Feb-2022 05:30 PM.
Objections received after the due date and time on the 1:1 (Post:Candidates) Temporary Selection list for Forest Guard posts will not be considered.
Date of Written Test: 05-Dec-2021
Last Date for Sending Objections for 1:1 (Post:Candidates) Temporary Selection list: 16-Feb-2022 05:30 PM
Notification for Provisional Selection List for Forest Guard Posts: Click Here